Duets on SofaMOVIE2008Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedDuets on Sofa0COMEDYWatch it onđŹđ§ United KingdomCurrently the movie Duets on Sofa is not available on any streaming platform in your country.You may also enjoy4.85.56.665. DetailsOriginal TitleDuos sur canapĂ©Release Year20080CastingActorsJacques BalutinBernardDaniel PrĂ©vostRobertMarcel PhilippotVictorMarilys MorvanJacquelineMichelle CharryBubbleCrewMarc CamolettiDIRECTORGeorges FolgoasDIRECTORMarc CamolettiAUTHORGermaine CamolettiCOSTUME DESIGNGermaine CamolettiPRODUCTION DESIGNMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch Duets on Sofa on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to Duets on Sofa?When was Duets on Sofa released?