88MOVIE2012Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDisliked880HORRORTHRILLERWatch it onđșđž United StatesCurrently the movie 88 is not available on any streaming platform in your country.You may also enjoy5.98.17.985.766. DetailsOriginal Title88Release Year20120CastingActorsĂlvaro CervantesJoelRubĂ©n OchandianoKenFrancisco BoiraNicoThaĂŻs BlumeCharlotteAntonio Del PreteJoseph BerguerDenise MorenoUtahTony CorvilloJonBeatriz MontañezZoeCrewJordi MollĂ DIRECTORGiuseppe FerlitoWRITERGiuseppe FerlitoSECOND UNIT DIRECTORMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch 88 on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to 88?When was 88 released?