The Long TrailMOVIE1917Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedThe Long Trail0DRAMAWatch it on🇨🇦 CanadaCurrently the movie The Long Trail is not available on any streaming platform in your country.Explore DetailsOriginal TitleThe Long TrailRelease Year19170CastingActorsLou TellegenAndre DuboisMary FullerLouise GrahamWinifred AllenMitchette DuboisSidney BraceyPaul GrahamFranklin WoodruffConst. JoyceFerdinand TidmarshFrank FarringtonCrewHowell HanselDIRECTOREve UnsellSCENARIO WRITERLewis W. PhysiocCAMERA OPERATORMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch The Long Trail on streaming online?When was The Long Trail released?