The Balloon Goes UpMOVIE1942Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedThe Balloon Goes Up58minWARMUSICCOMEDYBalloon unit WAAFs catch German spies.Watch it on🇨🇦 CanadaRENT | BUYYou may also enjoy5.55.25.355.665.25.55.3Explore DetailsOriginal TitleThe Balloon Goes UpRelease Year1942Runtime (Duration)58minCastingActorsEthel RevnellEthelGracie WestGracieRonald ShinerSergeant ShinerDonald PeersSergeant JimGordon McLeodThe DoctorGertrude Maesmore MorrisLady HurstElsie WagstaffThe Welfare OfficerEsma LewisSergeant AgnesMiles SilvertonThe Commanding OfficerCrewRedd DavisDIRECTOREdwin J. FanceyPRODUCERVal ValentineSTORYBernard BrowneCINEMATOGRAPHYP. GayeCINEMATOGRAPHYSylvia CumminsEDITORLeo T. CrokePRODUCTION MANAGERAl RhindSOUND ENGINEERPercival MackeyMUSIC DIRECTORFrank DormandASSOCIATE PRODUCERMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch The Balloon Goes Up on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to The Balloon Goes Up?When was The Balloon Goes Up released?