The Wrong HusbandMOVIE1931Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedThe Wrong Husband1h 25minCOMEDYWatch it on🇨🇦 CanadaCurrently the movie The Wrong Husband is not available on any streaming platform in your country.Explore DetailsOriginal TitleDer falsche EhemannRelease Year1931Runtime (Duration)1h 25minCastingActorsJohannes RiemannPeter and Paul HannemanMaria PaudlerRuthGustav WaldauH.H. Hardegg aus Buenos AiresTibor von HalmayMaxim TartakoffKlaus PohlCrewJohannes GuterDIRECTORBilly WilderWRITERPaul FrankWRITERNorbert GlanzbergORIGINAL MUSIC COMPOSERBruno DudayPRODUCERCarl HoffmannDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYWerner SchlichtingSET DESIGNERErich LeistnerSOUNDConstantin MickEDITORMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch The Wrong Husband on streaming online?When was The Wrong Husband released?