The Light InsideMOVIE2016Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedThe Light Inside0DOCUMENTARYWatch it on🇨🇦 CanadaCurrently the movie The Light Inside is not available on any streaming platform in your country.Explore DetailsOriginal TitleΤο ÎœÎσα ΦωςRelease Year20160CastingActorsGiorgis MarkakisCrewStavros PsyllakisDIRECTORStavros PsyllakisWRITERStavros PsyllakisEDITORGiannis KatsaboulasEDITORMihalis GeraniosCINEMATOGRAPHYVangelis FampasMUSICMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch The Light Inside on streaming online?When was The Light Inside released?