Fresh As a DaisyMOVIE1945Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedFresh As a Daisy16minDOCUMENTARYA retired Major's efforts to hone his golf skills are thwarted by the diminutive but defiant common daisy.Watch it on🇬🇧 United KingdomExplore DetailsOriginal TitleFresh As a DaisyRelease Year1945Runtime (Duration)16minOfficial Website V. H. EmmettNarratorCrewIrene WilsonDIRECTORFrank NorthDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYF. Percy SmithDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYJack BeaverMUSICMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch Fresh As a Daisy on streaming online?When was Fresh As a Daisy released?