The England of ElizabethMOVIE1957Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedThe England of Elizabeth26minDOCUMENTARYA romantic overview of England in the Elizabethan Age.Watch it on🇬🇧 United KingdomExplore DetailsOriginal TitleThe England of ElizabethRelease Year1957Runtime (Duration)26minCastingActorsAlec ClunesNarrator (voice)CrewJohn TaylorDIRECTORJohn MooreWRITEREdgar AnsteyEXECUTIVE PRODUCERIan FergusonPRODUCERJames RitchieDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYDavid WatkinDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYRalph Vaughan WilliamsMUSICJohn LegardEDITORKen CameronSOUND RECORDISTMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch The England of Elizabeth on streaming online?When was The England of Elizabeth released?