Blood TerrorMOVIE1960Aggiungi alla listaVistoPiaciutoNon piaciutoBlood Terror0HORRORHK horror film.Watch it on🇮🇹 ItalyCurrently the movie Blood Terror is not available on any streaming platform in your country.You may also enjoyExplore DetailsOriginal Title血屋驚魂Release Year19600CastingActorsNg Cho-FanLam TanCheung YingChan Ho-KauLee Yuet-ChingLok GungKo Lo-ChuenGo ChiuYeung BanHeung HoiAh HeungCheung NamConstableChu Yau-KoDetectiveKwan Wan-FeiPolice ChiefCrewLee TitDIRECTORFung Fung-KorWRITERHung ChiuCINEMATOGRAPHYWan KwaiCINEMATOGRAPHYTong KanCINEMATOGRAPHYMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch Blood Terror on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to Blood Terror?When was Blood Terror released?