Harvest of SteelMOVIE1983Aggiungi alla listaVistoPiaciutoNon piaciutoHarvest of Steel0DRAMAWatch it on馃嚠馃嚬 ItalyCurrently the movie Harvest of Steel is not available on any streaming platform in your country.You may also enjoy5.43.844. DetailsOriginal TitleMoissons d'AcierRelease Year19830CastingActorsSid Ahmed AgoumiHassan El-HassaniZohra Bent YoucefLarbi ZekkalMustapha El AnkaAmar OuhaddaMohamed MokhtariZiani Ch茅rif AyadDominique LebretonChafia BenboudriouJean-Marie VertiCrewGhaouti BendedoucheDIRECTORMourad BourbouneWRITERAllel YahiaouiDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYM. BelhocineMUSICKeltoum MazifSCRIPTRachid BenallalEDITORAhmed MalekMUSICMourad BourbouneDIALOGUENoureddine HiahemzizouGRAPHIC DESIGNERMohamed Sa茂d BougermouhSOUNDMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch Harvest of Steel on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to Harvest of Steel?When was Harvest of Steel released?