Elizabeth & Margaret: A Tale of Two SistersMOVIE2018Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedElizabeth & Margaret: A Tale of Two Sisters46minDOCUMENTARYIt has been said that no two sisters were ever less alike. One reserved and proper. The other lively and controversial. One the anchor of a commonwealth of nations. The other searching for purpose in life.Show moreWatch it on🇺🇸 United StatesSTREAMINGRENT | BUYExplore DetailsOriginal TitleElizabeth & Margaret: A Tale of Two SistersRelease Year2018Runtime (Duration)46minOfficial Websitehttps://www.3ddproductions.com/elizabeth-margaret-totsCastingActorsRachael StirlingSelf - Narrator (voice)Judith RowbothamSelfHugo VickersSelfSarah BradfordSelfCrewEdward CotterillDIRECTORWilliam SimpsonWRITERDominic SavilleEXECUTIVE PRODUCERPatricia HickeyEXECUTIVE PRODUCEREdward CotterillPRODUCERCosmo HildyardDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYNicholas StylianouDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYDiana TatarcaPRODUCTION MANAGERTom AstonCOLORISTAshley HallEDITORMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch Elizabeth & Margaret: A Tale of Two Sisters on streaming online?When was Elizabeth & Margaret: A Tale of Two Sisters released?