Sweep it Up, AgainMOVIE2006Añadir a mi listaVistoMe gustaNo me gustaSweep it Up, Again1h 40minDOCUMENTARY„I began documenting their lives, if only because I hoped each film would have a happy ending.“ (Gerd Kroske)Watch it on🇺🇸 United StatesSTREAMINGExplore DetailsOriginal TitleKehraus, wiederRelease Year2006Runtime (Duration)1h 40minCastingCrewGerd KroskeDIRECTORGerd KroskeWRITERManuela MartinsonWRITERGerd KroskePRODUCERDieter ChillDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYKarin SchöningEDITORKlaus JanekMUSICMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch Sweep it Up, Again on streaming online?When was Sweep it Up, Again released?