EDIFICEMOVIE2015Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedEDIFICE12minDRAMAWatch it onšŗšø United StatesCurrently the movie EDIFICE is not available on any streaming platform in your country.You may also enjoy4. DetailsOriginal TitleEDIFICERelease Year2015Runtime (Duration)12minCastingActorsEcem AlfanHazal KızıltoprakHarun KocabıƧakCrewIrmak KarasuDIRECTORIrmak KarasuSCREENPLAYGƶzde KoyuncuDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYBora SaraƧART DIRECTIONDeniz ĆzmenEDITORIrmak KarasuEDITORMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch EDIFICE on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to EDIFICE?When was EDIFICE released?