The Phantom in the HouseMOVIE1929Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedThe Phantom in the House1h 4minCRIMEDRAMAMYSTERYA man is blamed for a murder that was actually committed by his wife.Watch it on🇺🇸 United StatesSTREAMINGRENT | BUYYou may also enjoy3. DetailsOriginal TitleThe Phantom in the HouseRelease Year1929Runtime (Duration)1h 4minCastingActorsRicardo CortezPaul WallisNancy WelfordDorothy MilburnHenry B. WalthallBoyd MilburnGrace ValentinePeggy MilburnThomas A. CurranJudge ThompsonJack CurtisBiffer BillCrewPhil RosenDIRECTORAndrew SoutarNOVELArthur HoerlADAPTATIONMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch The Phantom in the House on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to The Phantom in the House?When was The Phantom in the House released?