56 Drops of BloodMOVIE2007Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDisliked56 Drops of Blood1h 30minMUSICHISTORYROMANCEWatch it on🇺🇸 United StatesCurrently the movie 56 Drops of Blood is not available on any streaming platform in your country.You may also enjoy58.2Explore DetailsOriginal Title56 csepp vérRelease Year2007Runtime (Duration)1h 30minCastingActorsAttila KaszásLőrincRóbert AlföldiAporiusTamás PalcsóRobiIldikó KeresztesHostessMónika VeresJuliSimon SzabóLoboCrewAttila BokorDIRECTORAttila BokorSCREENPLAYAndrás RézSCREENPLAYAndrás PintérCAMERA OPERATORTamás MihályMUSICAndrás SzalaiCAMERA OPERATORMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch 56 Drops of Blood on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to 56 Drops of Blood?When was 56 Drops of Blood released?