Tu es mon filsMOVIE2015Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedTu es mon fils0CRIMEDRAMATV MOVIEThe discovery of a lifeless body triggers a mother’s murder investigation in this gripping French thriller. Directed by Didier Le Pecheur.Watch it on🇺🇸 United StatesSTREAMINGYou may also enjoy5. DetailsOriginal TitleTu es mon filsRelease Year20150CastingActorsAnne MarivinClaireCharles BerlingPaulPaul BartelRaphaelThomas JouannetMarcEline PerrotinLorraine LemoineCécile RebboahJeanne ChretienCrewDidier Le PêcheurDIRECTORFrédéric BruneelEXECUTIVE PRODUCERMyriam VinocourDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYDidier Le PêcheurADAPTATIONDelphine LabouretADAPTATIONGilles IscanART DIRECTIONPatrick ZouzoutEDITORChris LangORIGINAL STORYMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch Tu es mon fils on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to Tu es mon fils?When was Tu es mon fils released?