Queen Of The ScreenMOVIE1916Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedQueen Of The Screen0Watch it on🇺🇸 United StatesCurrently the movie Queen Of The Screen is not available on any streaming platform in your country.Explore DetailsOriginal TitleКоролева экранаRelease Year19160CastingActorsVitold PolonskyAntek Galson, the cinematographerVera YurenevaIra, the actress and Antek's wifeGregori ChmaraRobin, poet and screenwriterNikolay BashilovLetskiy, the unfortunate writerAleksandr KheruvimovKranz, film studio directorTeplovFilm directorCrewYevgeni BauerDIRECTORAleksandr VoznesenskyWRITERBoris ZavelevDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch Queen Of The Screen on streaming online?When was Queen Of The Screen released?