The Acid EatersMOVIE1968Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedThe Acid Eaters1h 2minDRAMAA group of office workers go every Friday afternoon to the White Pyramid, a 50-foot tower of LSD.Watch it on🇺🇸 United StatesSTREAMINGRENT | BUYYou may also enjoy5.67.475.66.26.865. DetailsOriginal TitleThe Acid EatersRelease Year1968Runtime (Duration)1h 2minCastingActorsErnie F. OrsattiOllieJudy WoodGennaBuck KartalianArtie / The DevilPat BarringtonChickieSharon CarrGirlLila Cranston LamontFranBob WrenSmileyNick RaymondJohn McCloudBig JackDianne CurtisMarshaRuth BeechSam GreenwoodMinerRam HornIndian ChiefChico VespaJohnChainoCrewByron MabeDIRECTORCarl MonsonWRITERWilliam Allen CastlemanORIGINAL MUSIC COMPOSERByron MabePRODUCERDavid F. FriedmanPRODUCERDavid F. FriedmanDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYSam KopetzkySOUNDByron MabeEDITORMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch The Acid Eaters on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to The Acid Eaters?When was The Acid Eaters released?