The English SurgeonMOVIE2007Add to watchlistWatchedLikedDislikedThe English Surgeon1h 33minDOCUMENTARYThis documentary offers a glimpse into the life of an English neurosurgeon (Henry Marsh) situated in Ukraine as we are exposed to the overwhelming dilemmas he has to face and the burden he has to carry throughout his profession.Show moreWatch it on🇺🇸 United StatesRENT | BUYTrailersTrailer for The English SurgeonYou may also enjoy8. DetailsOriginal TitleThe English SurgeonRelease Year2007Runtime (Duration)1h 33minOfficial Websitehttp://www.theenglishsurgeon.comProduction Budget$350KCastingCrewGeoffrey SmithDIRECTORNick CaveORIGINAL MUSIC COMPOSERGeoffrey SmithSCREENPLAYRachel WexlerCO-PRODUCERWarren EllisMUSICMichael WabroSOUND RE-RECORDING MIXERCatherine WilliamsASSISTANT EDITORGerard McCannMUSIC EDITORFrancis Ward LindsaySOUND EDITORJohn HillcoatTHANKSJake JacksonSOUND RECORDISTMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch The English Surgeon on streaming online?Which Movies are similar to The English Surgeon?When was The English Surgeon released?