The Dawn of WarMOVIE2020Aggiungi alla listaVistoPiaciutoNon piaciutoThe Dawn of War0ACTIONWARWatch it onπΊπΈ United StatesCurrently the movie The Dawn of War is not available on any streaming platform in your country.Explore DetailsOriginal Titleζη«ι»ζRelease Year20200CastingActorsRen KenuoZhao ChongguangHe DaChuan JiMei BaolaiCai YinNing XiaohuaTu TianqiangXu JingwenShizukaZhao YanqiaoZhao QihangYin ZeqiangTankCrewZhang HaoboDIRECTORMost frequently asked questionsWhere can I watch The Dawn of War on streaming online?When was The Dawn of War released?